Round Pole Timber Frame Workshop

Three 3-day Weekends:

  1. April 4th - 6th

  2. April 11th - 13th

  3. April 25th - 27th

In this three 3-day weekend hands-on round pole timber frame workshop we will build the frame for a 10x12 gable and hip roofed building based on a Japanese Tea House. We will build with round poles previously harvested during forest health and fire remediation work onsite. The workshop will briefly cover pole selection and pole peeling, with the primary focus being framing and chiseling of mortise and tenon joinery.

To clarify for folks whom are unfamiliar, traditional timber framing is the carving of female (mortice) and male (tenon) assembled together with a wooden peg. Traditionally, nails and screws are not used in assembly of the frame. This workshop will teach a mix of traditional methods and tricks of the trade for a modern twist. We will share with you how to read simple building plans and will also have slide show nights giving overview of other projects and earthen wall infill options to inspire your creativity. With the focus of the workshop on student learning, if progress on the structure permits the final day of the workshop we will assemble the frame. Below are CAD renderings of the building we will join.

We will be sharing how to use and care for the timeless tools originally used by the journeyman of antiquity. We will also be using tools of modern efficiency including a mortise plunger and jigs created assist in precision and efficiency.

What is Included:

  • 9 Days of hands on class, lecture and building immersion

  • 3 organic protein rich meals per day - locally sourced and grown on site

  • Morning Asana practice

  • Forest Camping, Bath House, Sauna & Composting Toilets

  • Mentorship with exceptional builders

  • Community building & intentional connection

Students will be welcome to come Thursday night preceding the weekend to set up camp and get settled in. if commuting we ask that you be timely for instruction. Meals will start with Fridays breakfast and end with Sundays dinner.

Typical daily structure:

  • 7am morning asana (optional)

  • 8am all organic breakfast

  • 9am hands on class

  • 12:30pm all organic lunch & siesta

  • 2pm lecture

  • 3pm hands on class

  • 6:30pm all organic dinner

  • 8pm slide show presentations ( at least 2 over the course of the offering)

Solidarity: $1350

Suggested if you make less than $40k/year or have been affected by systemic inequality

Sustainer: $1575

Suggested if you make between $40k and $100k/year

Supporter: $1800

Suggested if you make more than$100k/a year or just want to be super awesome and support this program

Mendocino Locals & Women’s Discount! Email us to claim.

Scholarships and work trades available through application. Apply Here.

Payment Plans available upon request.

Review our refund policy here.
