Permaculture Design Course
Instructed By Penny Livingston and Blair Phillips
Online Intro March 19th & 26th, April 2nd & 9th 10 am -12 pm
In Person April 23rd - May 5th, 2023 on-site
May 2nd and 3rd Intro to Natural Building
May 6th and 7th optional integration weekend for an extra fee.
In this Permaculture Design Certificate Course (endorsed by the Permaculture Institute of North America) with Penny Livingston and Blair Phillips, students will receive a regenerative education based on designing closed-loop systems on non-traditional sites.
Wanosh Forest Gardens and Healing Grounds is a Forest Education and Community Center. This PDC is unique with a focus of forest health and reciprocal relationships between the forest, garden, farm, built environment, and community (human and animal). Tending the forest with prescribed fire, utilizing forest thinnings to build fertility pockets (such as huglekulture beds), harvesting fir poles for building, and watershed regeneration are all unique place-based education that this Mendocino County Permaculture Design Course will offer.
This course is for you if:
You believe in Women-Led Change
You have a calling to learn hands-on skills and increase your knowledge about regenerating the planet to make a living.
You want to learn from teachers who have decades of experience.
You want a Permaculture Design Certificate endorsed by the Permaculture Institute of North America (PINA)
You want to get an introduction to Natural Building
You learn best by doing
You want to begin to bridge the gap between the Internal and External Landscape
You want to build Community and Network
You want to be empowered to make the right livelihood for yourself
What you can expect
3 organic meals a day, using locally sourced fresh foods
Daily morning Internal arts practice (Assana, QiGong, Meditation)
Daily group Sit Spots for learning bird language
At least 6 hours of class a day taught by Penny, Blair and other special guests
To learn:
o The 72-hour curriculum required for a Permaculture Design Certificate
o Hands-on intro to the use of fire as a tool for healing land and people (weather permitting)
o Hands-on intro to Watershed Regeneration
o Hands-on intro to Natural Building with Michael G Smith
o Hands on Hugelkuture
o Pro guidance for sustenance gardening
o Complete overview to compost (lecture and Hands-on)
o A hands-on intro to Korean Natural Farming and Jadam
o Explorations in community, meaning, and building
o To examine permaculture for cultural competency
o How to find level in any topography, and create micro earthworks for water farming (hands-on)
o An introduction to outdoor mushroom cultivation (hands-on)
o An introduction to herbal allyship; developing a relationship with medicinals
o How to harvest and process round poles for natural building purposes (hands-on)
o An introduction to Greywater (hands-on)
About the Instructors
Penny Livingston
Penny Livingston-Stark ( ) is internationally recognized as a prominent permaculture teacher, designer, and speaker. She holds an MS in Eco-Social Regeneration and a Diploma in Permaculture Design. Penny is a graduate of the Arven School of Herbal Medicine in Germany.
Penny is co-founder and director of Regenerative Design Institute and has been teaching permaculture and community resiliency internationally as well as working professionally in the land management, regenerative design, and permaculture development field for 30 years. She has extensive experience in all phases of ecologically sound design and construction as well as the use of natural non-toxic building materials. Penny specializes in the design and installation of perennial agroforestry systems, biological water purification systems, site planning and the design of resource-rich landscapes integrating, rainwater collection, edible and medicinal planting, spring development, pond, and water systems, habitat development and watershed restoration for homes, co-housing communities, businesses, and diverse yield perennial farms.
Read more about Penny in her full bio on the instructors page.
Blair Phillips, the founder of Wanosh Forest Gardens (2013), has a BA in Environmental Studies with an emphasis in Agro-ecology and education ( UCSC 2006). Blair is a certified permaculture designer and teacher who has studied with the best(2007). Teachers like Dr. Elaine Ingham, Geoff Lawton, Darren Doherty, Penny Livingston, Broc Dolmon, Ian Davidson, Steve Gliesman, and Michael Flynn. (2004-to present). Since Blair's teenage years, he has been exploring practices to awaken the inner self and align with the world outside. This inquisition has led him to explore meditation, yoga, plant medicine, traditional west African drumming, and other healing arts. The fusion of internal work with the external has led Blair on a journey to make his work into visible prayers. listen to an interview.
Blair Phillips
Read more about Blair in his full bio on the instructors page.
Payment Plan: 3 payments of $450
Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.
Solidarity: $1,600
suggested if you make less than $40k/year or have been affected by systemic inequality
Sustainer: $1,800
suggested if you make between $40k and $100k/year
Supported: $2,000
suggested if you make more than$100k/a year or just want to be super awesome and support this program