Experiential Learning in Seasonal Permaculture Living

Weekend 1: October 11 - 13

Weekend 2: October 18 - 20

Land Immersion: October 25 - 27

Weekends will be a mix of hands on projects, morning yoga practice, tea ceremony, community connection, high quality nourishment, and attuning to the rhythms of autumn. Each weekend will have a specific focus which will be woven through; clay, carpentry, & garden tending.

Immersions are designed to give you a taste of off-grid homestead living; to offer you a hands-on and heart connecting weekend. A space to learn, and lean into the rhythms of nature. An avenue to serve and support the land and community projects of Wanosh.


Join us in tending the shifting of seasons on the land in our bodies; via connection with clay, tea, yoga, nourishment, garden harvest, crafts, skywalks, and circle.

A Permaculture experience. Each weekend will weave these lifestyle elements with the focus of specific projects.

For Weekend 1:(October 11 - 13) Focused on Clay & Cob Projects + Rocket Stove Explorations

For Weekend 2: (October 18 - 20)Focused on carpentry projects & sauna completion

For Weekend 3: (October 25 - 27) Focused on fall garden tending & compost workshop.

Included in each weekend is 3 organic meals per day. Camping or provided accommodation for additional cost (Bell tent, Garden Cabin, or Bus Bunking). Morning asana and tea practice. Immersion into the forest gardens. Hands on learning. Beautiful spaces to relax and be hosted.

Day long participation is available!

“Earth turns to gold in the hands of the wise.”

-Nadar Khalili


Weekend Pricing

Sliding Scale $150-$350

After your register please email us what weekend you are planning to participate in.

Review our refund policy here.

Day long Pricing

Sliding Scale $50-$150

After your register please email us what day/date you are planning to participate in.

Work-Trade Available for additional days onsite.

Reach out to Inquire